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The club has four categories of membership - playing, non-playing, social, and life.


Ordinary membership gives full access to club facilities and competitions.

Initial joining fee: $50

Annual membership (incl. affiliation with Croquet NSW): $155

Playing fee: $7 per day

New members who have not previously played croquet take a series of three two-hour introductory lessons provided by club coaches at a cost of $30.

New members who join after 1st July may pay a reduced annual membership: at 1st July $155, then $120 at 1st October, $80 at 1st January and $40 at 1st April each year.


Non-playing membership is available to former playing members. They receive club newsletters and are invited to participate in social events.  Non-playing members may re-join as ordinary members without the payment of the joining fee.

Annual membership: $10


Social membership is available, and is aimed primarily at the partners of ordinary members.  They receive club newsletters and are invited to participate in social events.

Annual membership: $10


Life membership is awarded at the discretion of the committee to those who have given exceptional service to the club over an extended period.  There are currently two life member of the club - Margaret Thompson and Trevor Black. Cyril Blowes and Tommy Thompson are deceased life members.

About Us

Members play all the three internationally recognised forms of Croquet – Golf, Ricochet and Association


Nelson Bay Croquet Club

Courts located at:

Tomaree Sports Complex

4981 Nelson Bay Road

Nelson Bay, NSW


Clubhouse number (only attended during playing sessions):

0466 092 590

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